Our Vision, Our Purpose, Our Values


‘A progressive shire creating opportunities for all’

We will be valued as a shire where people choose to live, work and play, and a guardian of a sustainable natural environment that inspires and supports a healthy community.


‘Delivering our plans, planning for the future’

We are a Council committed to decisive leadership in making locally responsive, informed and responsible decisions. We aim to deliver continuous improvement, to provide quality services and facilities which support a sustainable future.


Leadership and Collaboration

Building trust, teamwork, communication and a shared understanding which actively listens to our community.

Accountability, Consistency and Transparency

Equal opportunities, fair and open consultation and communication. Accepting responsibility for our actions.

Performance and Value for Money

Achieving best value for money outcomes for our community. Collaboration, managing expectations and working towards common goals.

Commitment, Teamwork and Staff development

Continually improve on our achievements and drive innovative solutions. Lead change and continuous improvement in delivering for our community. Promote a positive health and safety culture.

'No one individual can do this alone but as a community working together we can achieve everything we need for the future of our shire’

View Council's Strategic Corporate Plan - 'Your Vision, Your Plan, Our Future 2019-2024' - the document sets the direction for the communities of the Boulia Shire Council and Council decision-making for the period 2019 to 2024.