Staff Housing - new duplex units

Staff housing

Like most other regional and remote Councils, the Boulia Shire is facing a shortage of housing. As a key employer in the community, attracting and retain staff due to unsuitable housing options or simply no housing availability was posing very problematic.

To combat the issue, Council applied for funding under the 2022-2024 Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program (LGGSP) which aims to support the delivery of priority infrastructure. Our application was  successful and Boulia Shire Council was approved a funding amount of $1.26 million to deliver the construction of 6 two-bedroom units (duplexes) for staff housing, requiring a Council co-contribution of $840,000.

After completing the necessary tender process, the construction contract was awarded to Richardsons Building Service who would carry out each stage of the project delivery.

Council is now pleased to be able to offer staff comfortable modern accommodation with garaged car spaces and a communal BBQ area.