Spelling Facilities/Livestock/Reserves

Spelling Facilities

The Boulia Shire Council recognises that livestock plays an important role in the sustainability and growth of our shire. We are proud to say that Council’s Spelling Yards are only one of two organic spelling facilities in Australia at present and the yards are ACO Certified Organic(PDF, 129KB). To find out more about hiring the use of this facility, please refer to Council’s Fees and Charges or please contact our Administration Staff on (07) 4746 3188.


Council has two noted reserves in the Shire – the Boulia Racecourse Reserve and the Town Common. The Plan of Management for Parks, Reserves and Sportsgrounds in conjunction with the Town Common Policy (policy number 124)(PDF, 530KB) and the Spelling Yards Policy (policy number 142)(PDF, 156KB) guides the Council on management of these areas.